they work in the mining industry and the silver and Gold gets turned into Jewelry
Large mining companies
sea product fish mining gold
sluice box, long tom, pan, rocker, panning, digging, mining, hydraulic mining
Go to Google and type in gold mining maps. See what the search giant gives you. ok i need to know where gold was found in AUStralia in 1800's:D
J. Arthur Phillips has written: 'Gold mining and the gold discoveries made since 1851' -- subject(s): Mines et extraction, Gold mines and mining, Or 'Gold mining and the gold discoveries made since 1851' -- subject(s): Mines et extraction, Gold mines and mining, Or
Micheal Phelps
Hydraulic mining and dredging technologies gradually replaced placer mining in the late 1800s and early 1900s. These methods allowed for more efficient extraction of gold by using water to dislodge and transport material, increasing the scale and productivity of mining operations.
They took gold mining from the Earth? Who took the gold mining and how? There's no more gold mining on Earth? What's up with that?
Gold can be mined, but I don't think anyone would want to use a tool made of gold in the actual mining process since it is so rare and expensive, it would be a waste of the mineral.
gold mining
gold mining is dangerous because you have to get money and have a lot of money and gold mining is hard
They worked in a gold mine for a company mining for gold.
F&H mining might be interested since they have a Mining project in Walla Walla.
The Iditarod trail got its name from the town of Iditarod, which was a mining settlement along the trail. The trail itself was used as a mail route and supply line during the Alaskan gold rush in the early 1900s.
Gold mining effects us by the gold fever many people have. ):-(