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China has changed in many ways both socially and culturally in the past 100 years.

100 years ago China was very cut off from the rest of the world. They had yet to open their doors to the rest of the world. They ways things were done their might seem very strange to us.

Such as their clothing. They often wore long silk clothing that would go to their feet. Boys would have their head shaved excpet for a small middle portion, where a pony tail would usually grow. Girls often had long hair that would be tied up in some way, as you can see in many older Chinese photos. They also practiced feet binding (which stopped in the 40's or 50's in china.) Mothers of middle-class or upper-class families often would bind the feet of their daughters, because small feet were seen as beautiful. Though the lower class often didn't bind their feet, because the girls often worked a lot.

Also adults and children dressed a lot alike.

Schooling was also a lot different. Girls did not go to school and stayed home to help clean, cook, sew, and take care of the younger children. Boys went to school because they were seen as more fit to learn.

They still have a lot of their traditional food today, but also a lot more different food since they opened their doors to the world. Such as fast food (McDonalds). Though they still drink alot of tea and use chopsticks and eat a lot of rice. That really has not changed.

Many other things have changed and still are changing. The education system, the government, and lifestyle. You can read about the communists rule in mid 1900's of china and see how that affected the way the country developed.

Also if you want to see the change in china, i suggest you read the books by Adeline Yen Mah. She writes much about the time of living and growing up in china and talks about many of the topics I have brought up.

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