

Best Answer

Between 50 and 85 MPH depending on power you give

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Q: How fast does a catapult launch rocks?
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Related questions

What is a sentence using the word catapult?

The medieval army used a catapult to launch large stones at the enemy's castle walls.

Why was the catapult was used?

to launch me into your moms window

What are three different type of catapults?

There are more but these are just a few: Aircraft Catapult, Slingshot Catapult, and an Onager Catapult.

How far did the fartherst catapult launch?

about 3.5 kilometers

What was the catapult made for?

The catapult was made to launch projectiles and was very useful in battle before modern warfare.

How do you deal with your loud neighbors?

Build a catapult. Launch things at them.

How do you make a catapult that can launch a tennis ball?

buy one

How is the a catapult used?

To launch a large rock by kinetic power.

What word means launch in the air?

Hurl, eject, catapult.

How a catapult is used?

To launch a large rock by kinetic power.

Can a catapult launch a rotten egg?

Yes. And almost anything else.

How do you beat Goliath?

Use a catapult and launch a stone at his head and he will die.