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Q: How far south did the U.S. military go during the Mexican-American war?
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As far as military the USSR with around 6 million. Civilian China, with 7 million.

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Tropical waters anywhere from as far north as the coast of Maine to as far south as the coast of Peru. They tend to flow with the seasons traveling North in the Atlantic during the summer and south during the winter. They prefer to be in warmer water.

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enter any or all training or school programs offered. you do nothing you are the loser, not the military. if you leave the military with some training your chances for employment are far greater then doing NOTHING during a service tour

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The military strategy that won the civil war is total war which was concentrated on the South's economy. Burning cities, destroying farms or anything that aided the enemy's war effort as well as the North's far superior industrial base led to the South's defeat.

How far south into Mexico did the US Army go during the Mexican American War?

All the way to Mexico City.

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The north had more supplies,because the south had no factories