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Well technically speaking Plymouth is in C.C. its at the very beginning of the Cape Cod Area.

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Q: How far is Plymouth plantation from cape cod?
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How far is Plymouth from Cape Cod?

Plymouth, Massachusetts is bordered by Bourne, Massachusetts to it's southeast, and Bourne is the first town on Cape Cod, and it is the closest town to Plymouth, and Plymouth is the biggest town in Massachusetts, so if you mean northern Plymouth, it would be about 18 miles, or a 25 minute drive.If you mean southern Plymouth, it would be roughly 5 miles, only about a 10 minute drive to the cape cod border, and from central Plymouth, it would probably be between the first 2 distances I just mentioned and once you get to the border, you cross over the cape cod bridge, and your there.

How far is Cape Cod from New York?

266 miles New York, NY→Cape Cod

How far is cape cod from new york city?

266 miles New York, NY→Cape Cod

How far is it to Cape Cod Mass from Canton OH?

not far i grew up in cape cod its about a 7 hour drive from where you are.. check it out it willl be worth the ride

How far is Cape Cod from Florida?

1600 miles

Why did the pilgrims land on cape cod?

The ship was blown off course in a storm. They were suppose to be in VA not too far from Jamestown, but they ended up on Cape Cod. They took several days before they settled on the Plymouth site. Actually, at Plymouth they found an old Native American village that was empty because the people living there were dead from disease. They lived on the ship as they worked at making homes for themselves.

What mostly did the pilgrims catch in the sea?

The Pilgrims at Plymouth Plantation caught mostly cod, menhaden (which they used for fertilizer and oil) and lobster, which was far more plentiful in the 1600's then today on the Massachusetts coast.

What audience did William Bradford write of Plymouth plantation for?

As far as I can tell it was intended for a future genration.

How far is Cape Cod from Rochester NY?

Cape Cod is approximately 400 miles from Rochester, NY. The driving time is around 6-7 hours depending on traffic and route taken.

Did lief ericson venture in to what is now cape cod?

No. Most scholars don't believe he made it that far south.

How far is it from Boston to cape cod?

It's 612 KM from Cape Cod, MA to Montreal, Canada. Driving the distance will take approximately 5 hours 45 minutes if you don't hit any traffic.

What states do manatees live in?

Mainly Florida, and southern Georgia. But they have been sighted as far north as Cape Cod MA in the summer.