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Q: How far from Paris were the German troops before the first battle of marne?
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Who fought at the Battle of Marne?

In the Battle of the Marne, the German troops tried to take Paris, France ASAP. The First Battle of Marne started in 1914 and ended as a stalemate. The Second Battle of the Marne was on 1918 which also ended as a stalemate. The first set of the two was the first major battle in World War I. The French used "trench warfare" to try and slow the Russian advancement to Paris. There were mines, barbed wire, machine guns, and massive troops protecting the trenches. Trench Warfare was something that was very miserable. This type of warfare had bad living conditions for people who lived in it. Troops were stationed and kept there. Food was scarce, water was bad, and everyone was dirty. Many died from the harsh conditions of Trench Warfare.

What battle did France stop the German army just east of Paris?

ludendorff offensive of 1918-ww1

Who was involved in the battle of the marne?

The Battle of the Marne, September 1914 (early WWI), which took place along the Marne River in France between Paris and the German border. This battle was between the French and British forces against the German forces. The allied forces were able to push back the German offensive that had targeted Paris.

What happened during the battle of the commune between the troops and the supporters?

Regular troops will always be able to slaughter any ill lead, poorly armed populace. Read the Fall of Paris by Horne. The definite work on the subject.

Why was the battle of the Marne so significant?

It saved Paris, it was the end of the early German offensive and set the stage for the trench warfare that would ensue.

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1940 14th july

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Where were German troops closest to Paris?

Not sure of the question. German troops occupied Paris during the 2nd W.W. They were eventually driven out by the U.S. Army and Parisian partisans as the army advanced north and east into Germany.

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what year did the German troops take over Paris, France

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When did German troops capture Paris in World War 2?

August 25, 1944

The German advance toward Paris was halted at?

The first Battle of the Marne.

What was the major battle in June 1918?

The (Third) Battle of the Marne, in France, about fifty miles northeast of Paris. This was the first WWI battle in which large numbers of Americans took part, and they saved the Allies, being thrown into the line when the German attack had broken the French line and there was nothing between the Germans and Paris, and victory. This was the height of the German Freidensturm, their "Peace Offensive", by which massive attacks the Germans meant to win the war (using troops freed from the eastern front by the withdrawal from the war of Russia) before America could make its weight felt on the battlefield. Part of this massive battle was the struggle of the US Marine Brigade to capture Belleau Wood, the reporting of which, being the first big battle for American troops, electrified America. The American troops involved were mostly the 2nd Division (which included the Marine Brigade) and the 3rd Division. The 3rd Division to this day is "The Rock of the Marne" for its stout defense against some of the best German shock troops. After the Americans stopped this German offensive, the Germans never took another step forward in France.

Who fought at the Battle of Marne?

In the Battle of the Marne, the German troops tried to take Paris, France ASAP. The First Battle of Marne started in 1914 and ended as a stalemate. The Second Battle of the Marne was on 1918 which also ended as a stalemate. The first set of the two was the first major battle in World War I. The French used "trench warfare" to try and slow the Russian advancement to Paris. There were mines, barbed wire, machine guns, and massive troops protecting the trenches. Trench Warfare was something that was very miserable. This type of warfare had bad living conditions for people who lived in it. Troops were stationed and kept there. Food was scarce, water was bad, and everyone was dirty. Many died from the harsh conditions of Trench Warfare.

What battle did France stop the German army just east of Paris?

ludendorff offensive of 1918-ww1

How close did German troops get to the french capital?

in ww1 around 30 miles in ww2 the took it over. The German troops already took over the french capital The Nazi took over Paris, then the resistance fought them until the invasion of Normandy...

Is Paris Hilton German?

No, Paris Hilton is not German.