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Q: How far does a ogre catapult shoot?
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What is the formula to a catapult?

You load the catapult and then you launch it. You wait. Stare at it. Then you look how far it went. Now you'll know how far it went.

What are some catapult designs?

As far as i know there are three: the basic catapult, trebuchet, and the floating arm trebuchet.

What are three ways a catapult could be used to help people?

shoot it at angry kids to calm them down.

What is needed to make a catapult?

A catapult is a simple machine that throws items very far. Take a plastic sppon and put a small object on it. Pull back and watch it fly, that's how a catapult works

How did the medieval catapult look like?

It looks like a wooden cart without a roof and has a giant hurling arm.

Related questions

How far does a catapult shoot?


How far can a catapult shoot stones f word?

i think it can shoot over 200km maybe if its strong in uf

How do you beat ogre boss in RE5?

The ogre boss in re5 is pretty simple. All you have to do is shoot the weak spots and dodge his attacks, and when the things come out of its back shoot those as well and then you beat it.

Does a catapult have to be big for it to go far?

Not necessarily. While larger catapults can typically launch objects farther due to increased power and leverage, smaller catapults with an efficient design can still achieve considerable distance. Factors such as the force applied, angle of launch, and object being launched also play a role in determining how far a catapult can throw.

How does a catapult help people?

shoot it at angry kids to calm them down.

What is the formula to a catapult?

You load the catapult and then you launch it. You wait. Stare at it. Then you look how far it went. Now you'll know how far it went.

How fast can a catapult shoot?

how fast can you look up trebuchet

How do you make a catapult to launch an egg?

you put an egg in a cannon and shoot itweeniers

Does the angle of a catapult affect the distance of a ball?

Hello: * Yes, the angle of a catapult does affect the distance. And this applies to both changing the angle of the catapult and changing the angle of the terrain under the catapult. If you shoot the catapult at say 45 degrees, you have very good distance. If you shoot it at 30 degrees, while it may be further, it would be lower to the ground and perhaps not travel as far hitting trees and running into wind-shear. If you shoot at say 80 degrees, while the lob goes high up in the air, it won't travel very far. So your best bet, for maximum distance, is to take your catapult to the highest possible altitude, aim for 45 degrees, taking into account the wind direction and speed, and lob away. Don't hit anyone. :) Answer Actually, the maximum distance that can be achieved from a catapult is at an angle of 45 degrees. Every degree increase from 0 up to 45 approaches the maximum distance that something can be thrown. Every degree from 45 to 90 decreases the distance.

What are some catapult designs?

As far as i know there are three: the basic catapult, trebuchet, and the floating arm trebuchet.

Did Scotland have a catapult?

Yes, we have a giant catapult that we use to shoot stupid people into the middle of the ocean, we do it on St Andrews day every year and everyone in the country attends.

How far did the fartherst catapult launch?

about 3.5 kilometers