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all the european coasts, and the black sea

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Q: How far did the vikings travel for raids?
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Did the vikings travel far and wide?


Where in Britain did the vikings attack?

Viking raids

What happened in 793 to the Vikings?

They began their raids in England.

Why did few vikings travel ti the new world after lief?

It was too far.

Did the Vikings have sixteen year olds fighting in there raids?


Why were people in Europe so frightened of Viking raids?

The Viking were big and scary. They took what they wanted and sacked everything else. Whenever Vikings came around, destruction wasn't far behind.

What do vikings do with their money they get after raids?

Invest them towards improving weapons and raiding efficiency.

Where was the vikings raids taking place?

Well I'm not sure but I heard that they were from Scandinavia.

What group of people was known for their raids and quick attacks especially in England?


Where did most vikings raids happen?

Britain Spain Ireland Scotland whales

Where were vikings originally from and where did they eventually settle?

The Vikings were originally from Scandinavia. There was no need to settle as they lived in the Scandinavian countries and would only travel for trade or raids. However, what we now call Greenland, Iceland, as well as parts of Canada and the U.S. were eventually settled by Viking explorers.

From AD 800-1000 what group terrorized much of Europe with raids?

The Vikings from Scandinavia.