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Under Ming emperors, China extneded its rule into Mongolia and Central Asia and briefly reconquered Vietnam.

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Q: How far did the Chinese empire extend under the Ming emperors?
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Did Constantine rule the eastern empire of rome?

Constantine defeated Emperors Maxentius and Licinius and reunited the Empire under his sole rule reversing Diocletian's splitting it into four.

What year was the roman empire biggest?

The Roman Empire reached its greatest extend in 116 AD under emperor Trajan.

What was the most important thing Diocletian did to try an save the Roman Empire?

By splitting the Empire into four parts, under two emperors and two caesars, to make such a large area in a pre-electronic and pre-mechanical transport era, manageable.

Were all of the emperors of Rome related?

No. There were imperial dynasties for the first 262 years of rule by emperors: Julio-Claudian (27 BC-68 AD, 5 emperors) Flavian 69-76, 3 emperors) Nervan-Antonine (96-192, 8 emperors) and Severan (193-235, 4 emperors). However, six of the Nerva-Antonine emperors succeeded their predecessors by having been adopted, rather than by being related to them.After 235 there was the Crisis of the Third Century in which there were repeated attempted invasions of the Roman Empire from across its vast frontiers. This put the army under great stress and led to military anarchy. Most of the emperors were military commanders who were proclaimed emperors by their troops.When stability returned there was the Constantiniandynasty (305-363, 6 emperors). The Valentinian dynasty had 4 emperors who ruled the western part of the Roman Empire from 364 to 392 and the eastern part of the empire from 364 to 378. The Theodosian dynasty had three emperors and ruled the eastern part of the empire from 379 to 457 and the western part from 392 to 423.After this the western part of the Roman Empire started to crumble under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples. There was loss of political cohesion, a lot of infighting, a string of usurpers and no dynasties. The eastern part of the empire was not affected by these invasions, continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years and had 12 dynasties and 4 non-dynastic periods which lasted from 1 to 22 years.

How many Roman provinces were there?

Under the republic, the empire consisted of 17 provinces. The emperors added 16 more provinces making Rome control 23 provinces at the height of its power.

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What were the five good emperors known for?

The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.The five emperors from Nerva to Aurelius are called the "good emperors" because they were generally wise men and their reigns were mostly beneficial to the empire. Under one of them, Trajan, the empire reached its greatest extent.

How many emperors did Italy have?

In total, From Augustus (the first emperor) to the division of the Empire into Eastern and Western Empires in A.D. 395 there were 147 Roman Emperors, including 7 ruling the rebel Gallic empire and 2 leading the rebel British empire in defiance of central authority. After A.D.395 the Western Empire lasted until A.D476 under 23 emperors. The Eastern Empire lasted from A.D.395 to A.D.1453 under 94 emperors. From this you can see that the number of Roman emperors will be 147 if you count only the rulers of the United Roman Empire, or 9 less excluding rebel emperors, and many more if the Divided Empire totals of 23 and 94 more emperors are included. See related link for more information.

What are ancient Roman emperors?

Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.Ancient Roman emperors were the men who governed the Roman empire under the principate form of government. They were the ultimate authority even though they had advisers and the senate to assist them.

What did the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire dream of doing after Rome fell?

Of reuniting the ex-Western Empire under their control.

How many emperors did the roman empire have?

From Augustus (the first emperor) to the division of the Empire into Eastern and Western Empires in A.D. 395 there were 147 Roman Emperors, including 7 ruling the rebel Gallic empire and 2 leading the rebel British empire in defiance of central authority. After A.D.395 the Western Empire lasted until A.D476 under 23 emperors. The Eastern Empire lasted from A.D.395 to A.D.1453 under 94 emperors. From this you can see that the number of Roman emperors will be 147 if you count only the rulers of the United Roman Empire, or 9 fewer excluding rebel emperors, and many more if the Divided Empire totals of 23 and 94 more emperors are included.

How far did the Inca empire extend under the ruler pachakuti in 1438?

Inca ruler in about 1438

Did Constantine rule the eastern empire of rome?

Constantine defeated Emperors Maxentius and Licinius and reunited the Empire under his sole rule reversing Diocletian's splitting it into four.

What year was the roman empire biggest?

The Roman Empire reached its greatest extend in 116 AD under emperor Trajan.

What were the causes of unrest in the Roman Empire in the 200s?

The so-called Crisis of the Third century was caused by repeated attempted invasions of parts of the Roman Empire across its vast frontiers. The Roman army managed to stave them off, but often with difficulty and came under great strain. This led to a period of military anarchy. Most of the emperors of this period were men of humble origin who had raised through the ranks of the military and were proclaimed emperors by their troops. The turnover of emperors was quite rapid. Many emperors were murdered by soldiers, sometimes even by their troops who had proclaimed them emperors. There were also 35 usurper emperors who challenged the incumbent emperor and were proclaimed emperors by their troops or set up breakaway rule in parts of the empire. A Syrian queen also established a breakaway empire in Syria and Egypt. The emperor Aurelian managed to restore the unity of the empire and to ward off the invasions.

Who held much less powerunder the empire than it had under the republic in Rome?

The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.The senate and the elected officials held much less power under the emperors than they held under the republic.

How was the roman empires government?

The Roman Empire started during the Roman Republic, that is under a republican government. The Republic was then replaced by the absolute rule by emperors.

What was the most important thing Diocletian did to try an save the Roman Empire?

By splitting the Empire into four parts, under two emperors and two caesars, to make such a large area in a pre-electronic and pre-mechanical transport era, manageable.