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Q: How far did napoleon really reform France?
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What was Napoleon's fate?

Death at St Helenea far from France.

Was Napoleon Bonaparte crazy?

NO. As far as we aware, Napoleon had no mental illnesses.

How far did Louis Napoleon fulfill his policies to the people of France?

On the surface, Louis Napoleon made much needed reforms in voting, trade unions, and reforms in government. It wasn't long however that his reforms were transformed into government controlled elections, and other acts that basically reversed his earlier reforms to make France a more democratic republic.

What was the FrenchREvolution and when did it occur?

The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political change in France that lasted from 1789 to 1799. It resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy, the establishment of a republic, and ultimately the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte to power. It had far-reaching effects on France and the rest of Europe.

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What made Napoleon empire collapse?

His empire of France never really collapsed, but Napoleon's reign was ended after #1 his failed attempt to annex Russia during winter, a failure also made by Hitler, where Napoleon lost 50,000 some to freezing temperatures and starvation. #2 His failing Continental System to diminish Britain after he could not conquer their navy he cut off Europe's trade to them, however it didn't affect them. After a series of defeats Napoleon stepped down and was exiled to Elba, however he returned and ruled for 100 days but was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington. He then was exiled to St. Helena, far in the South Atlantic, where he remained until his death. After his death the congress of Vienna, a meeting of Europe's leaders, met and redrew the borders of Europe returning land, and installed new systems to prevent someone like Napoleon over taking again.So Napoleon's empire didn't really collapse, it's "collapse" happened mostly before his reign. Yet Napoleon left many lasting reforms upon France.

Why was Marie Antoinette the last queen of France?

In short, the French revolution was to overthrow the monarchs, because the bourgeoisie had enough of the luxurious and privileged lives of the royals and nobility. The revolutionists wanted everybody to be equal. So they fought to overthrown their royals and to rid themselves of the "tyrants" (their monarchs, who were in fact far from tyrants). Marie Antoinette was the last Queen ever in France. Since then France has had an emperor (Napoleon Bonaparte), some Kings in name (so not really Kings at all) and eventually Presidents.

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Why was Napoleon a trader?

As far as I can see he wasn't too big into trading.

How far is it from France to Belgium?

0 km, Belgium borders France (how far is Canada from the USA?)

Who did Jon Heder play in Blades of Glory?

He portrayed Jimmy MacElroy in the 2007 ice-skating comedy starring Will Ferrell.