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as far as your head can go up it ? or more, maybe?

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Q: How far an the anal sphincter stretch?
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Which is the voluntary sphincter of the anal canal?

Assholicus Maximus & Buttockical Minimus

The voluntary sphincter is the -----sphincter?

outer anal sphincter

Are there 2 anal sphincter muscles?

Yes, there are two anal sphincter muscles: the internal anal sphincter, which is made of smooth muscle and is under involuntary control, and the external anal sphincter, which is made of skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control.

What does the anal sphincter muscle do?

The anal sphincter stops feces from falling out.

Does anal enlarge the butt?

The answer is relative to how large the phallus entering the anus is, compared to how often one engages in inter-anal intercourse. The sphincter is a muscle and can be conditioned to stretch if one partakes in too much anal sex.

Which sphincter allows for defecation and is under voluntary control?

The external anal sphincter is under voluntary control. You have the urge to defecate because your internal anal sphincter involuntarily opens, but you can keep yourself from going to the bathroom because your external anal sphincter is voluntarily closed. Hope that helps!

What would happen if the anal sphincter failed?

There are 2 anal sphincter's; if they fail then feces will drip out of the anus.

Is the anal sphincter a organ?


Does the anal canal have muscles?

The anal canal has a ring of muscle, called the anal sphincter

Why does the anal canal have a voluntary sphincter formed by smooth muscle?

You can imagine the situation, in which case the anal sphincter in involuntary. In that case you defecate with out your knowledge.

How does a rectum stay closed?

it stays closed because we do a poo poo, then it closes to brew out some more

What nerve supplies the external anal sphincter?

The external anal sphincter is primarily supplied by the inferior rectal nerve, a branch of the pudendal nerve.