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not so effective because if they all rule then they are going to want to kill each other to take over all of rome

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Q: How effective do you think a triumvirate is a form of governmentexplain?
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Who does Octavius and Antony form the triumvirate with?

Lepidus is the third member of the second triumvirate.

What was the most effective form of protest used by colonists in 1770?


What form of protest was effective against the stamp act?

the proclamation's the townshend was too.

Who ruled Rome after Constantine?

After Julius Caesar, they tried to keep on with the republican form of government, but that didn't last and eventually the second triumvirate was formed as a ruling trio.

What was the Roman triumvirate and why was it not successful?

There were the First and the Second Triumvirate. They were thee-man alliances. The First Triumvirate (60-53 BC) was between Julius Caesar, Licinius Crassus and Pompey the Great. It was and informal alliance which at the beginning was kept secret. These three men together dominated Roman politics form behind the scenes. It ended when Crassus died. Although the relationship between Caesar and Pompey became strained, this triumvirate was successful in that the men, especially Julius Caesar, got what they wanted while it lasted. The second Triumvirate was between Octavian, Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus. It was given a five-year mandate (43-38 BC) to rule Rome with extraordinary powers. This was then extended by another five years. It was successful in the Liberators' Civil War (43-42 BC) it fought against the forces of the assassins of Julius Caesar, whom they defeated. The three men then divided the Roman provinces into personal spheres of influence. The triumvirate ended because of power struggles between the three men. Octavian found a way to oust Lepidus. He then fought the final power struggle, the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic (32-30 BC) against Mark Antony and his ally, Cleopatra VII of Egypt. After this Octavian became the first Roman emperor under the name of Augustus (27 BC).

Related questions

Who does Octavius and Antony form the triumvirate with?

Lepidus is the third member of the second triumvirate.

A triumvirate was?

A triumvirate was a rule by three men. This form of government took place twice during the last phase of the Roman republic.

When the second trimvirate failed what became the sole ruler of the roman empire?

After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.After the failure of the second triumvirate, and a civil war, Octavian became the sole ruler.

What year did Pompey Caesar and Crass-us form the First Triumvirate?

The First Triumvirate was formed in 60 BC. It lasted until the death of Crassus death in 53 BC.

Who is tiamat?

Tiamat is the Draconic Goddess of Evil. Along with her brothers Bahamut and Wyrm they form the Triumvirate Gods of dragonkind.

Who allied with Octavian and Lepidus to form the Second Triumvirate?

Factually incorrect as the question may be, the PCH answer is Marc Antony.

When Caesar Augustus came to power what form of government disappeared from Rome.?

When Caesar Augustus came to power, the Triumvirate form of government disappeared from Rome. Augustus reintroduced the Republic to Rome.

What does Antony do after he hears about Caesar?

He was angry, and joined with Lepidus and Octavian to form the Second Triumvirate. They all agreed and got revenge for Caesar by killing the assassins.

What emperor followed Caesar?

First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.First of all remember that Caesar was not an emperor. He ruled as a dictator under the republican form of government. After his death, the second triumvirate ruled for 14 years before Octavian gained complete power and was the sole ruler.

What is the least effective form of birth control?

Probably praying is the least effective form of birth control.

What is the verb form of effective?

The verb of effective is effect. As in "to effect something".

What do parties in government form to have enough votes to be effective?

Coalitions. They form coalitions together to try and make them more effective.