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becuase they spend money on weapons

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Q: How does war or Iraq or Afghanistan affect your country?
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Related questions

Did Obama end the war in Iraq or Afghanistan?

He ended the War in Iraq, but not in Afghanistan.

What war is still being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan?

The Afghanistan War in Afghanistan. Iraq is currently plagued by an insurgency that the Iraqi central government is working to overcome.

Is the war in Iraq or Afghanistan?


Did Afghanistan win against Iraq?

Afghanistan has never gone to war with Iraq, so the question is unanswerable.

Why are US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan?

for war

Will the midterm election of 2006 affect US involvement in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Yes. I have no doubt the American people have had enough!

Is the war in Iraq and Afghanistan going to be another world war?

Absolutly not. And to make it perfectly clear, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are two different wars.

Is Iraq in Afghanistan?

No. Iraq and Afghanistan are two separate countries.

Who fights the war today?

us, Afghanistan, Iraq

Can you name two countries where the US military is in active combat?

Iraq and Afghanistan. We are not officially at war with Iran, and do not have permission to fight in their country against Talliban. Iraq and Iran

Were there Afghans during the Iran-Iraq War?

Afghans did not participate in the Iran-Iraq War. During this period, Afghanistan was fighting the Soviet Union and trying to repel them from the country. However, Afghans were alive during the Iran-Iraq War. (So, technically speaking, there were Afghans during the Iran-Iraq War, just not in that war.)

What war was the hk416 used in?

It has seen service in Iraq and Afghanistan.