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Q: How does the ins affect your relations with other nations and their citizens?
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The President is the most important representative of the United States in relations with other nations.

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Which government department handles relations with other nations?

state department

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pakistan have shared good relations to most of countries but have strained relationship with india..

What is America good at?

Picking on other nations and lying to citizens.

Who advised the US to stay neutral in the relations with other nations?

george washington

Who handled relations with other nations when Washington was in office?

they did what they wanted when ever they wanted from tyler dillon

How did the weakness of the articles of confederation affect US relations with other nations?

In the articles of confederation, congress could not force states to provide soldiers for an army, this made it more difficult to protect its citizens against foreign threats. Congress tried to make an agreement with spain about keeping the Mississippi river, however it was not ratified, if the us had a strong military, Spanish might have negotatiaged.

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They have good relations with many nations because they generally try not to tick off the other nations that they like.

What does the word diplomacy mean?

Diplomacy is the conduct by government officials of negotiation and other relations between nations

Who was the head of the department that handled relations with other nations?

Department of state.

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