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Q: How does the diction of the Mayflower Compact differ from the diction in of Plymouthplantation?
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How did the Mayflower Compact and the charter differ?

The Mayflower Compact was the Pilgrim's own form of government. A charter is a grant of authority (permission) from the king that they, the colonists, are allowed to start a colony.

How did the Virginia House of Burgess's differ from the government that was established by the Mayflower Compact?

The House of Burgesses was a representative assembly.

How did the Virginia House of Burgesses differ from the government that was established by the Mayflower Compact?

The House of Burgesses was a representative assembly.

How did the plan of government outlined in the Mayflower Compact differ from the English government?

It outlined majority rule, as opposed to subjection to a sovereign King.

Is diction shown through tone?

Yes, diction is one of the main factors that contribute to tone. The word choice and language used by a speaker or writer can convey various tones, such as formal, informal, authoritative, humorous, or emotional. Therefore, the selection of particular words and phrases influences the overall tone of a piece of writing or speech.

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Although compact bone looks hard and solid, a microscope reveals that it is riddled with passageways that serve as conduits for nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels. Spongy bone looks like a poorly organized tissue. Spongy bone looks like Swiss cheese with the many holes presented.

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Compact fluorescent lights are smaller versions of traditional fluorescent light bulbs that are designed to fit into standard light fixtures. They are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan compared to incandescent bulbs. Fluorescent light globes typically refer to the larger, tube-shaped fluorescent bulbs that are commonly used in commercial and industrial settings.

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The Lancer Evolution X has some worthwhile upgrades from the other models. It has a dual clutch gearbox. It is still compact but slightly bigger than previous models although it has a smaller rear spoiler.

What kind of washer is portable?

Stores usually have their own section for portable washers or mark them as such. These washers don't differ much from standard washers. They nearly always have wheels, are of a more compact size and provide ways to temporarily connect them to a faucet or water provider.

What difference between 1e6 and 10e6?

Both 1e6 and 10e6 represent the number 1,000,000, but they differ in their scale. 1e6 is simply a compact way of writing 1 million, while 10e6 indicates 10 million. The difference lies in the multiplier applied to 1 million.

What is a sentence for the word differ?

The pair of them differ so much.Their opinions often differ.

How do blue star differ from the red star?

they are differ by their color they are also differ in temperature