The Roman Empire did not dissolve. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples who within 76 year took over all the lands of this part of the Roman Empire except for Italy and Dalmatia and formed their own kingdoms in previously Roman areas. With the pressure of these invasions this part of the Roman Empire lost political cohesion. There was a lot of infighting and a string of usurpations.
The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for another 1,000 years until Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.
The dire situation in the western part of the Roman Empire also allowed the eastern part of the Roman Empire to interfere with politics in Italy. The last legitimate emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire, Julius Nepos, was appointed by Leo I, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. He was deposed by a general, Orestes, who installed his 15 year old son, Romulus Augustus, as a puppet emperor under his control. After only 10 months Romulus Augustus was deposed by Odoacer, a Germanic military commander who led a rebellion by Germanic soldiers. Zeno, emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, sent his ally, Theodoric I, the king of the Ostrogoths, to invade Italy and oust Odoacer on his behalf. Italy and Dalmatia came under Ostrogoth rule.
Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. The Romans did not use this term, they called it Roman Empire or Romania (this referred to this empire and not the country which was later called Romania).
The term Byzantine is derived from Byzantium, the Greek city which was redeveloped, turned into the imperial capital of the eastern part of the Roman Empire and renamed Constantinople by the emperor Constantine the Great in 330. It is used to indicate the fact that not long after the fall of the western part, this empire became centred on Greece and Greek in character after it lost most of its non-Greek territories. Greek replaced Latin as the official language of this empire in 620, some 150 years after the fall of the west.
The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.
The Fall of the Roman Empire grossed $4,750,000 in the domestic market.
There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.There's a long list of historians who wrote about the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The rising of the empire can be read in the ancient writers. Th most famous historian who wrote about the fall of the empire is Edward Gibbon.
Civil war considered one of the major reasons why the Roman Empire fell apart
476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman Empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date given for the fall of the western Roman empire.
476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.476 is the date of the fall of the western Roman empire.
Please be more specif. What was the role of the fall of the Roman Empire in what?
The Production Budget for The Fall of the Roman Empire was $19,000,000.
The Roman Catholic church survived the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church survived the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.476 AD is the date that is given for the fall of the western Roman empire.
The author of "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" is Edward Gibbon.
Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.Between the fall of the Roman empire and the renaissance was a period of time known as the Dark Ages.
The Fall of the Roman Empire grossed $4,750,000 worldwide.
The most commonly used date is 476, but other dates are also used. Some historians just say 5th century, or the second half of the 5th century. Clearly it was a long, drawn out affair. The East Roman Empire survived until 1453. The name we use for it is the Byzantine Empire, but that name was never used at the time, and they were nearly always called the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages.
Not empire