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Considering Mexico was forcibly stripped of half its territory, it is no wonder the U.S.-Mexico relations were strained for almost over a century. It wasn't until President Franklin Delano Roosevelt implemented his Good Neighbor Policy towards Mexico and Latin America (circa 1933) that relations improved.

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8y ago
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16y ago

If you live in the state of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, or New Mexico, you are living in the "Product" of the Mexican War.

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12y ago

It affected by the way they grew there crops

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14y ago

If you live in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah or Nevada today, it is because of the Mexican American War.

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None. The "Mexican food" is in reality "Tex-Mex food"; the chili-con-carne, wheat flour tortillas and Tabasco sauce are almost unknown in Mexico.

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Why do you think that today South America Mexico and the Southwest of the united States have strong latin traditions?

Because Mexico and South America are part of Latin America, meaning those countries are former colonies of Spain, France and Portugal. As for the southwest, it once belonged to Mexico, hence, there are many Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in such region who have a 'Latin' culture and traditions merged with the American way of life.