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To play Video Games, surf the internet, watch shows or movies. Plz improve this answer if you can!

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17y ago

Its pretty simple. Many people struggle to understand my full greatness television has tried with its movies about God but none are even close to even imagining how fantastic i am Its pretty simple. Many people struggle to understand my full greatness television has tried with its movies about God but none are even close to even imagining how fantastic i am

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13y ago

I say television isn't necessarily bad;channels like Discovery and history are preety good bad. But some of the shows do change how alot of kids think into some amizing, fake world where you can do anything and that wont have a good impact on the future. Certain shows should have more than just a warning.

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17y ago

the television is a great affect to the world because of the great popularity.

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12y ago

Because how are not study they can watch TV and now the news



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14y ago

promote our pluricultural society

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Q: How does television influence socialization in society?
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How does the family influence the consumer socialization of children what role does television advertising play in consumers socialization?

Families influence consumer socialization by teaching children values, attitudes, and behaviors related to consumption. Television advertising plays a significant role in consumer socialization by shaping children's preferences, choices, and understanding of products and brands. Children often learn about what products to desire and how to consume through exposure to advertisements on television.

What is the factor that influence socialization process?

socialization process friends influence

How culture and socialization are related?

Culture and socialization are closely related as culture plays a key role in shaping the socialization process. People learn cultural norms, values, and behaviors through socialization within their society or community. The beliefs and practices of a culture influence how individuals are socialized from a young age, guiding their interactions, expectations, and identity within society.

Dose tv have a good influence on society?

In 99% of the time no, but it can be used for good.

Benefits you get in the society?

Socialization is the main thing you can get from the society.

Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many society that television has positively effected the cultural?

I believe it has. Somethings possible not.,

What is political socialization?

Political socialization is the way your opinions on politics and society are formed by your environment.

How does education influence culture and society?

Education is a huge influence in culture and society. Education allows an individual to learn how to interact with the people around them.

List and describe the agent of socialization?

Family: The family is the primary agent of socialization, influencing beliefs, values, and behaviors through interactions and roles within the household. Education: Schools and educational institutions play a crucial role in socializing individuals by imparting knowledge, teaching norms, and promoting social skills and values. Peers: Peers, such as friends and social groups, impact socialization by providing emotional support, shared experiences, and shaping attitudes and behaviors through peer pressure. Media: Mass media, including television, internet, and social media, can influence socialization by portraying cultural norms, values, and behaviors that individuals may adopt and internalize.

How are role models an agent of socialization?

Role models serve as examples for individuals to learn behavior and values from, impacting their development and socialization. They provide guidance and influence on how to navigate social norms and expectations within a society, shaping perspectives and actions of individuals.

What is the difference between agents and agencies of socialization?

the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

Role of mass media as an agent of socialization?

Mass media plays a significant role in socialization by influencing people's beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors through various forms such as television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. It helps shape individuals' perceptions of society, culture, and the world around them. Mass media can also transmit societal norms and expectations, contributing to the process of socialization by exposing individuals to diverse perspectives and ideas.