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Perspective played a major role in the Declaration of Independence because of the different ways people interpret it's content. Just like with the Constitution, how there were the Federalists who adhered strictly to the Constitution word for word and the Antifederalists who thought it was up for interpretation, the Declaration of Independence is the same way. Whether you interpret it strictly or loosely determines how you view what rights the forefathers of the U.S. really wrote in for us to be granted.

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Q: How does perspective play a role in the Declaration of Independence?
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What role dose concept of limited government play in the declaration of independence?

No role. The Declaration was a letter to the king explaining why they were declaring independence.

What is the role of true government as Thomas Jefferson portrays in the declaration of Independence?

What is the role of true government as Thomas Jefferson portrays it in The Declaration of Independence

What role did Thomas Jefferson play in the Revolution?

Jefferson played an active role in starting the Revolution, serving as a member of the Continental Congress that declared independence. He wrote and sighed the Declaration of Independence.

Who played the major role in drafting the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Why are the British people included in the Declaration of Independence?

because they played a big role in the world war.=] because they played a big role in the world war.=]

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Jefferson played an active role in starting the Revolution, serving as a member of the Continental Congress that declared independence. He wrote and sighed the Declaration of Independence.

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Who played the major role in drafting the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration. He drafted his ideas from John Locke.

What was Benjamin franklins role in the revolution?

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The role he played was pn the colonists side (freedomer)