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Q: How does george hay link freedom of speech and freedom of press?
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What are some of the rights guaranteed in the first ten amendments?

The rights that were promised to the first eight amendments to the Constitution were civil liberties such as freedom of speech, press, religion, and trial by jury. See the link below for all of the amendments.

What is the name of the first amendment?

The First Amendment as it appears in the Bill of Rights is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." For more information visit the Related Link.

Patton movie famous speech by george c Scott?

You can find the non-censored version of General George S. Patton's speech at the link below .

Which US President made the shortest inaugural speech?

That was George Washington's second inaugural speech in 1793. Click on the "Second George Washington Inaugural Speech" link below to read it. George Washington's 2nd inaugural address was the shortest in history.

What was Norman Rockwells most famous painting?

Norman Rockwell created many famous paintings. One of his works which is considered by many to be his masterpiece is a series of four paintings illustrating the Four Freedoms, as told by Franklin Roosevelt. "The Freedom of Speech", "The Freedom of Worship", "The Freedom from Want" and "The Freedom from Fear" - over four million posters were printed by the Saturday Evening Post by the end of WWII. "The Freedom from Want" image has become emblematic of what is now known as the "Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving", and is possibly the most recognizable painting.

Who was John peter zeger?

I think you mean John Peter Zenger. He was a newspaper publisher whose case helped establish freedom of the press in colonial America. See Wikipedia at the link below.

What is a link when writing a speech?

A link in a speech refers to a connection made between two ideas or points in the speech. It helps to transition smoothly from one part of the speech to another and ensures that the speech flows logically. Links can be explicit transitions or subtle connections that tie different parts of the speech together.

What are some examples of anaphoras in the I Have a Dream speech?

"One hundred years later, the negro...""Now is the time...""I have a dream...""We must...""Some of you...""Let freedom ring..."(Please see related link below.)

What part of speech is the word link be?

The word link is an verb and an noun.

How do you give hyperlink within excel sheet?

yes you can use hyperlink in MS Excel, Press Ctrl + K key on keyboard to put hyperlink. Also, you can have this to link between MS Excel files or website or email Sarfaraz Ahmed

What was the topic of Mckinley speech on Presidents' Day?

Click on the link below to read the speech.

What amendments are one three five and eight?

One - Freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, and of petition. Three - No forced quartering of soldiers in private houses during peacetime. In a time of war, Congress can pass a law stating that soldiers should be quartered. Eight - No excessive bail or fines, or cruel or unusual punishment. See related link below for more information on constitutional amendments.