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Q: How does crack make a person act?
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What does the idiom crack someone up mean?

The idiom "crack someone up" means to make someone laugh or amuse them greatly.

Grab a bottle make your body wobble don't act like a snobby model?

CRACK a bottle, LET your body WADDLE

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Act like one person one day when you are together. The next time you are together act like a completely different person.

Origin of crack someone up?

make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q make someone laugh so hard they crack casey A this Q

Does a person get dry mouth from smoking crack?

A person may get dry mouth from smoking crack. People also get dry mouth from smoking a lot of Marijuana.

What is the crack in Dr. who?

It is a crack in time and space, created by the Doctors TARDIS exploding. The crack appears in many places, and removes things from time itself. It can also act as a wormwhole between two places.

Why does crack cocaine make you burp?

because your not exposed to do it you idiot its crack cocaine. ^^ Person above is calling people idiots, however they failed at proper syntax. Proper syntax: Because you are not supposed to do it, you idiot it's Crack Cocaine. Not only that Crack Cocaine has shown to increase gastric acid production in some individuals. These individuals suffer from a stress induced Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.

What famous person uses crack?

Miley Cyrus

What can you make with bismuth?

crack or herion

Do you say inner act or inter act with people?

Interact. If you talk to someone else, you are interacting with that person. The same with anything that you make contact with.

What makes frosting crack?

One thing that can make icing crack is not enough moisture in the icing.

What type of drugs make your lips ashy?

Crack ( not coke but crack) and meth aka ice