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They don't really chose a system. In the Soviet Union for example, there were constant power struggles. It started off with Lenin taking power through leading the revolution that put the Bolsheviks into power. Then after Lenin's death, Stalin won the power struggle against Trotsky. The rest went through power struggles as well. In Cuba, Castro has held power up until recent illnesses. Looks like it's going to the family now.

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Q: How does a communistic government chose its leaders?
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Is Communism one leader?

No. Communism is a belief system. Some countries have a Communistic-style government, and each country has its own leader.

What form of government did Poland have in 1980?

Communistic, with frontage, powerless government and PM, but with strong PZPR (polish communistic party) organizations and with leading role of the 1st secretary of the party (he together with the committee central of PZPR had an absolute power in Poland). The head-of-state was collective (group of very notable persons in Poland) but also showy.

What happen to the Russian system of government over time?

You mean what happens to Russian system of government over time? The answer is, that they are becoming more and more democratic instead of being a dictated communistic country.

How did the Soviet Union and the Americas become rivals?

different government beliefs America's was democratic, and the Soviet Union's was communistic and they were trying to force it upon the countries around them.

What title was given to the two leaders elected to share power and lead the government in the roman republic?

The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.The two leaders elected to lead both the government and the military in ancient Rome were the two consuls.

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the leader

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American leaders chose to create a new plan of government because they were afraid that, with the plan of government they had already, the new nation would fall apart.

When was Berlin wall and why?

1961, officially to protect the communistic part of the city from capitalism, but in reality to keep the people from leaving the communistic part. The capitalist part was doing better economically so everybody wanted to move there. This was called braindrain. The communistic leaders had to stop this, because they needed their people for their economy.

When was Berlin Wall built and why?

1961, officially to protect the communistic part of the city from capitalism, but in reality to keep the people from leaving the communistic part. The capitalist part was doing better economically so everybody wanted to move there. This was called braindrain. The communistic leaders had to stop this, because they needed their people for their economy.

Why did the communist leaders feel they had scored a victory in Korea?

After the cessation of hostilities in the Korean peninsula in the 1950s, Communist leaders could (and often did) feel that they had scored a victory inasmuch as they had secured territory (the new nation of North Korea) for the Communist cause. Even more, the powerfully Communistic government controlling North Korea became a new ally of the Communist cause, thereby strengthening that cause against the alliance of nations aligned with the United States and other anti-Communistic powers.

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the women

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The roman government was a republic. Republics are where the citizens chose their leaders. To be a citizen you had to own land. In eariler times it was a monarcy. There was a dictater- a ruler with absolute power. A monarcy is where there is one leader. For more info you can go on

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