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Q: How does Thomas Paine view the Americas role for humankind?
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What Role did Thomas Paine play in US history?

Thomas Paine wrote the "Common Sense" this gave or supported reasons to why the colonists should fight for their independence.

What role did Thomas Paine did in the war?

he wrote pamphlet called Common Sense

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When did thomas Paine invent the smokeless candle?

Thomas Paine did not invent the smokeless candle. He was a political activist and author who played a significant role in the American Revolution. The smokeless candle was actually invented by Michael Faraday in the early 19th century.

Was tom Paine America's most important revolutionary?

no but he did play a big role

The pamphlet that urged the colonists to declare independence?

There were a number of pamphlets and flyers arguing the political issues in the pre-revolutionary American colonies, but the one that far and away captured the attention of the most people was "Common Sense", published anonymously but actually written by Thomas Paine. He began writing it in 1775, and its 1776 publication was perfectly timed to give it a key role in bringing thousands of people over to the revolutionary movement at a crucial moment.Once the Revolutionary War had begun, Paine continued writing pamphlets ("The American Crisis" series) to support the cause, inspire the soldiers and encourage the politicians and leaders who guided the difficult struggle.Incidentally, a significant percentage of the population couldn't read, so the impact of the pamphlets were more than a little dependent upon the oratorical skills of those who read Paine's words aloud. Even today Paine's writing rings more dramatically when spoken aloud (like Shakespeare's) rather than when trapped flat on the page.

What jobs did Thomas Paine have?

thomas Paine was a famousphampleteer,agitator.

How was Tomas Paine's pamphlet common sense a form of propaganda?

"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was a form of propaganda because it used persuasive language and arguments to convince Americans to seek independence from British rule. It portrayed the British government as oppressive and argued that independence was the only solution. Paine's pamphlet was widely distributed and played a significant role in swaying public opinion towards supporting the American Revolution.

What was the name and author of the influential pamphlet that gained colonial support for independence?

The name of the influential pamphlet was "Common Sense" and the author was Thomas Paine. It was published in 1776 and played a significant role in gaining colonial support for independence from Great Britain.

How did paines the age of reason contribute to intellectual and spiritual life?

Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason" contributed to intellectual and spiritual life by promoting the ideals of reason, rationality, and freedom of thought. It challenged traditional religious beliefs and advocated for a more secular and humanistic approach to spirituality. Paine's work encouraged critical thinking and discourse on the role of religion in society.

What role did Thomas Paine did in the revolution war?

Thomas Paine took a great role in the revolutionary war sinse his pamphlet, "common Sense" that sold over 100,00 copies in the first three months triggered a realization in the colonies of all that the British had been doing to them, including taxes, laws, acts and overall controll of the colonies. This inspirational piece of writing later was what convinced the Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence and send it to the British declaring final independence and separation. Without Thomas Paine and his beautiful writing we might still be under English rule to this day.

What was Americas role in developing Canada?

they gave us slaves