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The Palestinians (Arabs) and Israelis (Jews) do not get along and do not live in the same territory in Israel. There has been constant fighting between them since Israel became a nation in 1948. No peace treaty has held, and no relinquishment of the land has achieved peace.

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Israel currently maintains good relations with Jordan and has a barely functioning peace treaty with Egypt. It is in negotiations/occupation with the Palestinian Authority. It also remains in a de jure state of war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Syria, and Lebanon.

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Q: How does Palestine and Israel get along?
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The Roman Empire referred to modern-day Israel as Palestine. Modern-day Israel was referred to as Palestine up until 1948. In 1948 the United Nations formed the country of Israel from the Palestine state.

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In 1944, Israel/Palestine was under British sovereignty as the British Mandate for Palestine.

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No. No country is leased by or to another country. Additionally, Palestine had no ability to lease out territory given that it was not a country at the time of Israel's independence. Israel received independence as a result of the UN Partition Plan of Mandatory Palestine.