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Booker T. Washington is an African American Male who was enslaved in Virginia and grew up on a plantation in West Virginia. He was born in 1856 and he died 1915. Washington organized an agricultural and industrial school for African Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama.Booker T. Washington became a nationally known spokes person for the African American community. He was also married twice all both of his wive died.

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Q: How does Booker T Washington prove his theory that you can achieve equality for black people?
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Is Booker T. Washington the son of George Washington?

No, he was not. First, keep in mind that there have been many people named "Washington" in history. Second, President George Washington lived in an entirely different era than Booker T. Washington did: the president died in 1799, while Booker T. Washington was born into slavery, in 1856. We know very little about his parents, other than the fact that his mother's name was Jane. After emancipation, she went to West Virginia to live with her husband and her son Booker-- her husband's name was Washington Ferguson, and it may be that Booker took the "Washington" from him.

Why were some people critical of Booker T Washington's approach with the Tuskegee Institute?


Booker t Washington how did he contribuate to society?

he helped people get5 jobs by buiildiing an iinstiitute.......

What was one of the arguments that Booker T Washington made in his speech?

Actually, Booker T. Washington's message was somewhat controversial, although it depended on whether you were asking white people or black people. Washington, the first president of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama (today Tuskegee University), believed that blacks should move slowly in their quest for racial equality; in fact, he seemed to accept segregation and advocated that black people (then called "Negroes") should not expect to become the social equals of whites, but that they should try to rise as high as possible within their own society. To that end, he advocated empowerment through education and hard work.White people were very approving of his message, since he did not challenge the status quo. But while most black people agreed with his message of getting as much education as possible and working hard, there were some black people who found his message frustrating. They were tired of being treated like inferiors, and they thought he was too accommodating of prejudiced attitudes. They wanted him, as a black leader, to stand up to the segregationists and demand full equality. But Washington disagreed-- he thought society was not ready for that, which is why he suggested to go slow and achieve the goal step by step.

What were Booker T Washington and contributions to the advancement of black people?

Booker T Washington helped raise funds for small community schools and institutions for the advancement of blacks in the South. He also secretly funded cases for civil rights advancement.

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According to this excerpt what was Booker t Washington trying to promote?

Booker t Washington was fighting for the equality of all blacks

What did Booker Washington propose in his Atlanta compromise speech?

Booker proposed that whites defend the Liberty of the blacks in the south.He also proposed that white northerners consider hiring black southerners who have proven their fidelity to America rather than immigrants that are coming to the shores.It is important to note that Booker T. Washington pursued Justice and Liberty for black people. He did not believe in race based social equality."The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly" -- Booker T. Washington"To distinguish between Justice and Equality is to distinguish between oppressive tyranny and prosperous liberty." --- Unknown

What did Booker T. Washington propose in his Atlanta compromise speech?

Booker proposed that whites defend the Liberty of the blacks in the south.He also proposed that white northerners consider hiring black southerners who have proven their fidelity to America rather than immigrants that are coming to the shores.It is important to note that Booker T. Washington pursued Justice and Liberty for black people. He did not believe in race based social equality."The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly" -- Booker T. Washington"To distinguish between Justice and Equality is to distinguish between oppressive tyranny and prosperous liberty." --- Unknown

Is Booker T. Washington the son of George Washington?

No, he was not. First, keep in mind that there have been many people named "Washington" in history. Second, President George Washington lived in an entirely different era than Booker T. Washington did: the president died in 1799, while Booker T. Washington was born into slavery, in 1856. We know very little about his parents, other than the fact that his mother's name was Jane. After emancipation, she went to West Virginia to live with her husband and her son Booker-- her husband's name was Washington Ferguson, and it may be that Booker took the "Washington" from him.

What was Booker T Washington famous for?

he was know for helping black usa people

Who are some famous people with last name Washington?

* George * Booker T.

Why were some people critical of Booker T Washington's approach with the Tuskegee Institute?


Why were the policies of Booker T Washington acceptable to southerners?

Booker T. Washington did not push for equality. Instead, he pushed for practical skills and education that would improve the lot of his people. This was appreciated by southerners who believed this was an acknowledgement and reinforcement of their segregationist policies and white supremacist beliefs. W.E.B. Dubois, on the other hand, was a highly educated political activist who was the first black Ph.D. in the United States. He believe absolute equality was a necessity and was active in both the Niagara Movement as well as the founding of the N.A.A.C.P. He was considered a political radical at the time.

Booker t Washington how did he contribuate to society?

he helped people get5 jobs by buiildiing an iinstiitute.......

Why did web du oppose to Washington t Booker?

Young person your question is not a complete sentence and your names or not spelled correctly. But I will answer your question. The two people you are asking about are W.E.B. Dubious and Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington want Black to learn a trade and become a asset to white America, in other words white would have to come to us to get things repair are fix or built and later we would apply for equality in other area like schools in eating together and government position. W.E.B. Dubious wanted full equality now he did not want to want he believed that Black America had wanted long enough but he only believed that we had the talented tenth of Black people that was available now for position in government and other high offices. I hope this answer your question.

What was one of the arguments that Booker T Washington made in his speech?

Actually, Booker T. Washington's message was somewhat controversial, although it depended on whether you were asking white people or black people. Washington, the first president of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama (today Tuskegee University), believed that blacks should move slowly in their quest for racial equality; in fact, he seemed to accept segregation and advocated that black people (then called "Negroes") should not expect to become the social equals of whites, but that they should try to rise as high as possible within their own society. To that end, he advocated empowerment through education and hard work.White people were very approving of his message, since he did not challenge the status quo. But while most black people agreed with his message of getting as much education as possible and working hard, there were some black people who found his message frustrating. They were tired of being treated like inferiors, and they thought he was too accommodating of prejudiced attitudes. They wanted him, as a black leader, to stand up to the segregationists and demand full equality. But Washington disagreed-- he thought society was not ready for that, which is why he suggested to go slow and achieve the goal step by step.

What did Martin Luther King want to achieve in his life?

Equality for black people.