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He did not try not to offend the conspirators. During Caesar's funeral, Antony made accusations against them and named and shamed them. He also read Caesar's will which left most of his property to the people. The people became enraged and rioted. Caesar had been very popular with the middle and lower classes. He was seen as the champion of the people.

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Q: How does Antony turn the mob in favor of dead Caesar without offending the conspirators?
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Who killed Jullies Caesar in the play Julies Caesar By William Shakespeare and what did Antony do to find out?

Caesar was killed by several conspirators, the primary ones being Cassius and Brutus. Antony finds the conspirators actually standing over the body after Caesar was killed.

Was Marc anthony related to julius Caesar?

No, Marc Antony was a staunch supporter of Caesar and also was Caesar's co-consul at the time of Caesar's death. In fact, he ran and hid for a day of two until he was certain that the conspirators were not after him too.

Why does mark Antony want revenge?

When Mark Antony got to know that the conspirators killed Caesar, he was enraged because he was very close to Caesar. But there were other reasons for him wanting revenge besides Caesar's death. Cicero, a sympathizer with the conspirators, attacked him viciously and Cicero was also responsible for the death of Antony's stepfather.

What are the condition imposed by the conspirators before allowing Antony to speak at the funeral of Caesar?

1. Antony will speak only after the speech of Brutus completes. 2. He will speak from the same pulpit from where Brutus speaks. 3. He will speak good and praise Caesar but he will not blame the conspirators for the death of Caesar. and Antony agrees these conditions imposed on him.

Why does Antony say that he will suppoert the conspirators Julius Caesar?

No he did not. Marc Antony was one of the most prominent supporters of Caesar. He was a relative of his and had been one of his best generals during his conquest of Gaul. After the assassination of Caesar, Mark Antony became the leader of the Caesarians, the supporters of Caesar.

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Who was not a conspirator againist Julis Caesar?

Antony and Octaveous were both not conspirators against Caesar.

In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II why do the conspirators finally agree not to attack Antony?

The conspirators did not attack Antony because of fear. This is from a book called The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act 2.

Who killed Jullies Caesar in the play Julies Caesar By William Shakespeare and what did Antony do to find out?

Caesar was killed by several conspirators, the primary ones being Cassius and Brutus. Antony finds the conspirators actually standing over the body after Caesar was killed.

In Julius Caesar what mistake do the conspirators make?

they did not kill mark Antony and he acted to get reveng by killing the conspirators.

How is Antony is respected in Julius Caesar?

He convinced the citizens of Rome that the conspirators had lied about why they had killed Caesar.

What does Antony ask of the conspirators?

To deliver Caesar's eulogy (funeral speech)

Who does Cassius suggest the conspirators assassinate in addition to Caesar?

Mark Antony

Why did Antony send a servant to Brutus immediately after Caesar's death?

well, because for one Antony is Caesar's friend and for two he wants revenge on the conspirators for killing his best friend. So to get revenge on the conspirators Antony is going to get the crowd to turn against the conspirators and get back at them for murdering Caesar.

Why did the conspirators want to draw Antony away from Caesar?

So they could kill him

Was Marc anthony related to julius Caesar?

No, Marc Antony was a staunch supporter of Caesar and also was Caesar's co-consul at the time of Caesar's death. In fact, he ran and hid for a day of two until he was certain that the conspirators were not after him too.

What did the conspirators do with Antony just before the assassination attempt?

Trebonius lures Antony away from Caesar so the murderers can get to him.

Why does mark Antony want revenge?

When Mark Antony got to know that the conspirators killed Caesar, he was enraged because he was very close to Caesar. But there were other reasons for him wanting revenge besides Caesar's death. Cicero, a sympathizer with the conspirators, attacked him viciously and Cicero was also responsible for the death of Antony's stepfather.