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A longhouse is a kind of long, single room building. An example sentence would be: The longhouse gets very warm in the summer.

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Meet me behind the longhouse when Running Bear arrives in camp.

The longhouse floor needs sweeping again.

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What is a sentence using the word longhouse?

A longhouse is long and a wigwam is round.

What is a good adjective to use with the word longhouse?

a good adjective is ugly

What did the Iroquois use to make the longhouse?

I think they made them out of logs and mud

How many beds are there in a longhouse?

There are 35 beds in a longhouse

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When was Longhouse Religion created?

Longhouse Religion was created in 1799.

Why was a longhouse named a longhouse?

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Which adaptation to the environment is illustrated by the Iroquois use of the longhouse?

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How many can live in a longhouse?

A longhouse can hold 10 family or 250 in it

What is the synonyms for longhouse?

Synonyms for longhouse include hut, cabin, lodge, and dwelling.

What is the motto of Longhouse Media?

Longhouse Media's motto is 'It's time to tell our stories!'.