If the name is available, you have to file a trademark application and pay a fee. Although you can do it yourself, using a trademark attorney will help to avoid procedural errors.
Be patient... it is not unusual for the process to take over a year.
From the United States Patent and Trademark Office Related Link below, select "Search Marks."
(For more information, see the Related questions.)
the number 586
No. It is last name only.
National guard
U.S. Grant's first name was Ulysses.
The chemical name for CsCl is Cesium Chloride.
You will have to go to the a US trademark office tp get the trademark for the name. You will have to file the paperwork for the form and then deliver it to the office.
The name Scrabble is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the United States and Canada and of Mattel elsewhere.
You do not have to register a trademark but you can. If you do not register, you can put a TM or SM next to your trademark name to show that it is your trademark. You should do some research before using the name and claiming a trademark to make sure nobody else is using it. You can register your trademark with the US Patent and Trademark office. See the related link. This offers you extra legal protections such as the ability to bring a court case in federal court due to an infringement, protection from US customs that prevents imports of products using your same trademark, having your trademark documented so that you have proof you used it first, etc.. When you do this you put an R with a circle around it next to your tradmark name.
The best place to start is with the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at the US Patent and Trademark Office website.
You want trademark protection, not copyright protection. In the US, you can apply online via the link below.
According to the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at the US Patent & Trademark Office there are 28 trademarks associated with the name "westlaw" and 15 of those are still live.
A search of the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) at the US Patent and Trademark Office website does not show a registered trademark for "Stickman Records" in the US. However there are two companies with that name, operating in Germany and Canada, and they may be registered as trademarks in their respective countries.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
The US Patent and Trademark Office is an agency of the Department of Commerce.
Arkanoid is a registered trademark owed by Kabushiki Kaisha Taito. Arkanoid is a computer game developed in early 1986. The current trademark is Serial Number 77126327. The US trademark was filed on March 8, 2007.
Trademark. The trademark law prevents companies from stealing a product name. The Trademark Symbol -- > ™
The oldest food trademark in the US is Morton Salt, which was registered in 1911.