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bad because the speculators used the law to buy large amounts of land cheaply

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Q: How do you think the settlers felt about land speculators?
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What was the Land Policy of the republic?

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How did the land Ordinance of 1785 wealthy speculators over ordinary settlers?

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How did the land ordinance on 1785 favor wealthy speculators over ordinary settlers?

It set the cost of public lands at prices too high for most settlers.

How did the land ordinance of 1785 favor with wealthy speculators over ordinary settlers?

It set the cost of public lands at prices too high for most settlers.

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they felt like it Technically, "they felt like it" is not really specific. What I think is the correct answer is, the settlers ignored the policy because of their need for land.

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Andrew Jackson tried to stop land speculators by congress passing the Indian Removal Act in 1830

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Why did Americans settlers feel it was necessary to remove American Indians?

Very simple they wanted the land and felt they were superior.

Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger wealthy speculators?

The Proclomation of 1763 angered wealthy speculators because they owned land west of the mountains.