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They would have hated it. The Roman Senate would have been disgusted at the lack of power of the Senate in the Imperial years. They would have also hated that provincials were being made citizens, and that the size of the senate had been dramatically increased. They would have hated the decline of Rome's "Great Families" and the rise of the "Novus Homo" ("New Man", a person who made their wealth in the provinces, not a native Italian, not of noble Patrician background). They would have hated the amount of power the Emperor wielded, and especially in the later years of the Empire would have hated the instability and the lack of discipline in the army. They would also have hated the posthumous deification of emperors, and the rise of the Eastern style "God King"

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Government of the Roman Empire is a term used to indicate rule by emperors. The emperors were absolute rulers. The Roman Republic was created with the overthrow of the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant. The object of the Republic was to prevent anyone form concentrating power in their hands. This was to prevent the return of tyranny. The founders of the Republic would have been appalled about the absolute rule of emperors and would have considered the emperors as tyrants.

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Q: How do you think the founders of the Romans republic would have viewed the governmentof the roman empire?
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How did the Roman republic become the Roman empire and the holy Roman empire?

The Holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with the Romans. It was a medieval institution centred around Germany. The Roman republic became an empire by expansion both before and after the Punic wars.

What were the key turning points in roman history?

How Rome was formed Where the Roman's empire was How did the Romans take over land The Alps in the north that protected the Romans What were the Romans most successful battle Rivals of the Romans

When is it from Empire replace the roman Republic?

Rome already had an empire under the Republic. Most of the Mediterranean + Gaul had already been conquered during the Republic. Roman Empire is a term that is used by historians for the personal rule by one man which followed the Republic. Historians call this man emperor, but the Romans did not use this term. The Republic ended in 27 BC when Augustus concentrated power in his hands.

When did Romans conquer the Seleucid empire?

The Romans never conquered the Seleucid Empire.

What modern inventions would have helped the Romans rule their empire?

Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.

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How did the Roman republic become the Roman empire and the holy Roman empire?

The Holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with the Romans. It was a medieval institution centred around Germany. The Roman republic became an empire by expansion both before and after the Punic wars.

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When is it from Empire replace the roman Republic?

Rome already had an empire under the Republic. Most of the Mediterranean + Gaul had already been conquered during the Republic. Roman Empire is a term that is used by historians for the personal rule by one man which followed the Republic. Historians call this man emperor, but the Romans did not use this term. The Republic ended in 27 BC when Augustus concentrated power in his hands.

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The language used by the ancient Romans, which spread throughout their Republic, and later their Empire, was Latin.

Countries that are republic?

The USA is the only current one I know of, although Canada might be one. Also the Roman Empire was a republic, and I think the Romans started the Republic government; like Greece created democracy.

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When did Romans conquer the Seleucid empire?

The Romans never conquered the Seleucid Empire.

When were Romans first alive?

The Roman Empire existed from 27 BC - 476 AD in the West and285-1453 AD in the East. The Roman Republic predated the Roman Empire by about 500 years.

What happen after Romans invaded France?

After Julius Caesars final win at Alysia,Gaul (France) became apart of the Roman Republic, Gaul became a stronghold of the Roman Empire later on and was the edge of the Western Empire. France was one of the first (countries) to be ruled by the Romans and though out the time of the Empire until the fall of the Empire it remained under Roman control

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