To say "I'm gay" in Portuguese, you would say "Eu sou gay."
The correct way to say Happy Birthday to someone who speaks European Portuguese is as follows. Say "Feliz aniversario." That means Happy Birthday in Portuguese.
I speak a little Portuguese = eu falo um pouco de português.
"Wonderful news" = "Ótimas notícias!" OR "Boas notícias" (less wonderfull, sounds like "good news")
Tenha uma tarde maravilhosa.
to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'
"Yes" in Portuguese is "sim".
"Onde" is how you say "where" in Portuguese.
To have a good day in Portuguese, you can say "Tenha um bom dia!" which means "Have a good day!" You can also say "Dia maravilhoso para você!" which means "Wonderful day to you!"
You just say 'Wonderful'.
"Fuzzy" in Portuguese is "fofinho" or "peludinho."
To say "your location" in Portuguese, you would say "sua localização".
"Spoon" in Portuguese is "colher".
they say gobble gobble in English but portuguese idk about that!AnswerThey say 'glu glu'