In French, the name "Gary" is pronounced "ga-ree" with a soft "g" sound.
You would say "pauvre Gary" in French.
The name Gary does not have a direct translation in French. It is an English name that does not have a common equivalent in the French language.
The French phrase for "my name is" is "je m'appelle."
You can say "Je m'appelle..." followed by your name to say "My name is..." in French.
Gary in French is written as "Gérard".
It's not a French name
It's not a French name
The French for name is un nom.To say "my name is" in French, you should say Je m'appelle. if you are saying your name for e.g. if my name was jack sharp i would just say that so i would say je m'appelle jack sharp
What is your name in french is: Comment tu t'appelles?
Maddie is the short name for Madeleine but it's not used in French. Poeple just say Madeleine.
For some people that did not watch when Reo did behind the music on tv in aug . Gary did say his wife's name her name is jusitne.