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die Waffe fallen lassen

die Pistole fallen

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"Waffe fallenlassen!"

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Q: How do you say in German drop the gun?
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How do you say drop it already in German?

Lass es schon.

When was Time to Drop the Gun created?

Time to Drop the Gun was created in 2004.

In Saving private Ryan what did Upham say to the German?

Hands up, hands up, drop your weapons, Shut up( to german soldier)

How do you say in German-put your gun in the holster?

Stellen Sie Ihre Waffe im Holster

Was the Ak-47 meant to be a German gun?

no, it was made for the Russian Army, it was based off the stg44 that was a German gun.

When a soft rock wears out it forms a drop called a?

Machine gun drop

What actors and actresses appeared in Drop Gun - 2011?

The cast of Drop Gun - 2011 includes: Jennifer Fontaine as Detective Leyla Reynolds

What is the word gun in German?


Is York a German gun manufacturer?


Why are most gun grabbers German Jews?

Very strange question. How do you define "gun grabber" and why do you assume most of them are German Jews?

What does the enemy drop In black ops?

in online games the enemy will drop his gun if you have the same gun you will get more ammo automaticly. or you can change guns if you need to. Aaron out

Was the Thompson a German or American gun?
