Hello, my name is... - Witam, mam na imię... (Witam, jestem...)
Osiyo oginali (pronounced, Oh-see-yo oh-ge-nah-lee ) means "Hello my friend." in Cherokee.
If in your question, "Singapore" is a language, then well, you still say Good Day. Otherwise, people greet with whatever language or way they are used to, be it "Hi", "Hello", and similar meanings in any language they prefer to greet in.
Shalamu (as in the other semitic languages from the common proto-semitic root SHLM/SLM)
Hieroglyphics are a written language, therefore it is impossible to "say" hello in it. Hello in ancient Egyptian however is "Iwy em hotep."
You say "hello" in the monkey language by throwing a banana to the person that you are greeting.
To say hello in Penobscot language, you can use the word "kwe."
In Filipino, you say "hello" as "kamusta."
"Selam" is hello in Tigrinya language.
"Hello" in Aymara language is "Janiw."
Hello in what language?
In Kashmiri language, "hello" is said as "salaam aleikum".
To say "hello" in the Onondaga language, you can say "SgΔ:ΓΆ'."
The Swahili language uses "Jambo" or "Habari" to say hello.
In Dakota language, "hello" is translated as "hau."
In Pedi language, you say "Dumela" to greet someone, which translates to "Hello" in English.
In Hausa language, "hello" is pronounced as "sannu."