Emily is pronounced about the same in all languages. Also, there are more than 700 different Native American languages spoken in North and South America.
If you are not sure which language you are talking about, here is a partial list of the most common Native American languages in North America:
Cissy Houston (whose real first name is Emily) is African-American. Some sources say she also has some native-American ancestry.
There is no one language called "Native American." There are MANY Native American languages.
Emily Dickinson did not write extensively about Native American Indians in her poetry. However, some critics have interpreted her references to nature and existential themes as having potential connections to Native American spirituality and worldview. It is important to consider and respect the diverse perspectives and interpretations of Dickinson's work.
hard to say considering that there doesn't exist a language, 'native american'...
Which Language? You do realize that there 150+ Native American languages?
There is not just one Native American language, there are thousands of them.
There isn't such a language as Native American. Native American tribes speak more than 700 different languages.
There are about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
How do you say shy in native languages