Ah-oh-ee, rhymes with chloe. Sometimes when said fast it sounds more like owee.
Japanese does not have a word for "it."
The correct way to pronounce the word "Byzantine" is BIZ-uhn-teen.
To pronounce the word "buccellati" you have to say "boo-chi-la-tee".
There are three ways to say it. if you count something, it is "MITTU" pronounce as "mids" just a digit of three, it will be "SAN" pronounce as "son" Additional way is "MI" pronounce as "me" The most common one is SAN.
Aoi in Japanese is pronounced: AOeII A- (as in car) I- (as in "see") U- (as in noodle) E- (Mexico) O- (Moe) Sorry for the extras, I go to a small Japanese School and don't get a chance to do this often. Also, you might need it to pronounce other words and show off to your friends.
aoi is for blue
Aoi kemuri
Blue- Aoi (Pronounced: A (as in at) oi)
あおい aoi That is the word in it's dictionary form, depending on how you use it it changes endings.
That's not a Japanese word.