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To answer this question which must be a subjective answer I will use the United States as the location of a different cultural system than the one that is seeking to preserve another cultural. It is understood that persons seeking to preserve their cultural heritage, have a belief system that "gives way" to the cultural status of the host nation ( United States ). I am using the USA as a barometer that measures tolerance for different nations. I say this because in certain other host nations, preserving a different cultural heritage might be difficult.

A. join or form an organization that wishes among other goals, to share stories and speak openly about living in one culture and attempting to preserve the first cultural heritage.

B. If possible, stay in touch with relatives and friends who did not chose to relocate to the USA.

C. If the person('s) wishing to preserve their heritage and they have children, find out if the school they attend, knows or even celebrates in any meaningful way your own native culture. If not, speak to the schools administration.

D. If you live in a large metropolitan area ( such as the NY Metropolitan area ) chances are that there are people and organizations with your cultural heritage. If so then find out if they have a special parade day or some other public affair that keeps your heritage alive. Do not however exclude people who want to learn about your culture.

D-1. Look for newspapers that use your native language and include other media that does not.

E. I have offered here a few key things to do. I also offer this advice ( the question begs for it ) If your native language is not English, try not to speak in your home your native language. Make English your priority and it's my belief , your children will not speak English with a "foreign accent". This is a plus in many ways. A person's heritage can be better understood if information about your cultural heritage is explained without the "language barrier".

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You can volunteer to work at a park or museum.

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The culture which we have inherited from our ancestors that is practiced up to this day and preserve for our future generations is called our cultural heritage.

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I am proud of my Irish heritage and love learning about my ancestors' traditions and customs.

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The protection and careful management is very important for economic, social, cultural, and scientific reasons.

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As long as we think it's worth protecting our nation's cultural, historic, and natural heritage, we should protect national monuments.

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