Well there is not many weapons you can make out of all wood. The club is the only thing I can think of. If you have carved down a long stick you can get a iron arrowhead and smelt or tie it to the stick.
Well they aren't poor, they did have fire to melt the metal they had and make it into a knife or sword. They also had wood to carve the handles to their weapons. That is how they created weapons in medieval times. The same goes for kitchen ware, they had metal, wood and fire to make and melt things.
Peasants and Knights made their weapons out of wood, iron, and different materials. Knights fought to protect their Kings and to worship their land. That's why they had to build castles to protect their land.
No. It was wood or stone.
Any kind of weapons.
1. learned how to make iron , tools , and weapons 2. developed trade routes
Well they aren't poor, they did have fire to melt the metal they had and make it into a knife or sword. They also had wood to carve the handles to their weapons. That is how they created weapons in medieval times. The same goes for kitchen ware, they had metal, wood and fire to make and melt things.
wood iron copper bronze steel leather stone
they are made by wood that's it. but he farted.lala
Peasants and Knights made their weapons out of wood, iron, and different materials. Knights fought to protect their Kings and to worship their land. That's why they had to build castles to protect their land.
Poles for weapons and tools were generally of ash wood, the blades of iron.
If you mean people who make weapons like they did in the middle,there are many who do this and they sell the weapons/armour that they make.
they are blacksmithed by a skilled blacksmither and they are made of wood,metal and the main materials are steel and iron.
iugerguer9 the maori used wood, animal bones and greenstone to make their weapons. \
No. It was wood or stone.
With tree wood and leaves
they used wood of trees.
Er, wood of junpiter for the arrows all wood