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Q: How do you make a pyramid that you put your fingers in?
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put ur fingers in the freezer for an hourBy Leon Burton of Carki

How did the Persians bury their dead?

they make a pyramid and put the pharo in the sarcaphogas (tomb)

What is the difference between Egyptian pyramid and Mexican pyramid?

the egyptian pyramid put the body in mummy,but the mexican pyramid put the body in the water.

Who long did it take to make the pyramid of Khufu?

Modern estimates put it at 14 to 20 years

What do frets on a guitar do?

They are the places where you put your fingers to make the string shorter, making the pitch higher.

How many fingers is note e?

You put to fingers

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You put fingers up your butt and squeeze it to make man goo come out. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have small fingers.

How did the ring fingers get their names?

They are called ring fingers because they are fingers where you put your wedding rings

How do you make a modeled pyramid out of wood?

look at "how do you make a pyramid?" to see

How does addition work?

Addition is like counting on your fingers. If you hold up two fingers on you hand, then you put up two more fingers, you don't say I have 2 fingers up and now i put up two more so i have two fingers up doubled, you say I have four fingers up. Like adding, counting on your fingers is exactly the same. For instance. two plus two if four so on your fingers you can put up two fingers and then put up two more and have four. I hope I helped you!

What life in sign language?

Make an 'L' with both of your hands. Put your index fingers on your hip, then bring up

How do you train your rabbit not to bite you?

You give them treats for eg. carrots Make sure you don't put your fingers by their mouths