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from all the book that were written then and discovered now

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Q: How do you know so much about what all the Greek philosophers have said?
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What Greek philosopher said you think Therefor you are?

The Greek philosopher who said "I think, therefore I am" was RenΓ© Descartes, a French philosopher and mathematician. This statement is more commonly associated with Descartes' philosophy rather than Greek philosophers.

Greek philosophers rejected the idea that an event were caused by the gods whimsy why?

They never did so, even today events are said to be the work of God.

What is the exact definition of a philosopher?

Philosophy comes from the Greek words philos meaning "love" and sophia meaning "wisdom". Originally philosophers were people who were interested in knowledge of all kinds, and were indistinguishable from scientists. In the Middle Ages, when Europeans did not do much thinking about anything other than religion, philosophers were indistinguishable from theologians. Nowadays, with scientists pursuing their own methods and theologians pursuing theirs, philosophers can be said to be those people who inquire into the fundamental principles of things using carefully disciplined thought and language and the principles of logic. Philosophers grapple with questions such as "What is real?" (Metaphysics), "How do we know things?" (Epistemology), "What does it mean to be good?" (Ethics), "What is beauty?" (Aesthetics) and so on.

What subjects from ancient times did humanist study and explore?

Sixth-century BCE pre-Socratic Greek philosophers Thales of Miletus and Xenophanes of Colophon were the first to attempt to explain the world in terms of human reason rather than myth and tradition, thus can be said to be the first Greek humanists.

What is greek philosophers joke?

In times like these, I often think of what Aristotle said about Plato. What did he say? He said, "if you take the lid off, it will get dry". (play-dough vs. plato, get it?) Knock Knock Who's there? Euripedes Euripedes who? You rippa dese jeans, so ya gotta pay for them Greek philosopher- What are you doing in Greece? Roman soldier- We're just Roman around.

How much did the Greek god Ares weigh?

Since Ares was a character of Greek mythology it is impossible to know his weight. Hhe was said to be a very strong and muscled god, since he was the God of War, but this does not ley us estimate his weight.

Who the ancient greek philosopher that said the primary composition of everything was water?

It was in the 7th century BC that Thales declared that everything was water. Thales who lived between 636 - 546 is regarded as one of the seven sages who preceded the era of the Greek philosophers.

Who said love and putting are mysteries for philosophers to solve?

It was Ben Hogan

Why did so much of roman culture have so much greek flavor?

The Romans were so influenced by Greek culture because many who immigrated to Italy were Greek and so brought their religion and culture to Italy and developed it mixed with the previous settlers. A classic example/myth of this is the story of Romulus and Remus.

What means when Greek man said to woman poli?

Poli means "a lot" or "very much."

Who were the enlightenment philosophers that supported absolutism?

It was the guy who was walking to Taco Bell and said " that will work with me "

Why philosophers king should be the only people that will be allowed to rule?

Because Plato said so.