The French noblemen who followed William the Conqueror in his enterprise, were rewarded with English land grants in fief by the new king.
They swore to William feudal oath becoming Barons of England.
William holds Patcham after 1066
because they were very unorganised but i don't know why
the great plaugue happened in 1066 and the domesday book happened in 1086 :) thats all i know and they are the main paerts
Solihull Barons was created in 2005.
Some kings respected barons, and some did not. In some cases, the barons forced their kings to make concessions to them, as in the case of the barons forcing King John to sign the Magna Carta.
It started when he became king in 1066. The feudal system was with the king at the top then the barons then came the knights then the peasant's.
No one, Russia didn't exist until 1547 with the crowing of the first Tsar. Until this it was a disjointed collection of Dukes and Barons.
The 11th century.
People documented 1066 with drawings, writing, and oral history. From the winning of the crown by William and the use of French language as the language of nobility.
donn know
William holds Patcham after 1066
1066 ( my guessing game i really dont know but if you have to find out just put 1066 and in 1066 on saturday that was the battle of hasting! )
October 14th 1066
i do know but i won't tell you so there
Robber barons