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Q: How do you identify underground railroad stations?
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What kind of places were used as stations of the underground railroad?

Here are some places at the underground railroad that the slaves met up at to escape: they came to the North, South and or canada.

What is the symbolic meaning of the underground railroad's name?

The underground railroad was named for the slaves' method of escape to freedom. "Underground" means the movement was secret and intentionally took place below the awareness of public officials and most members of society. The "railroad" designation took its name from the code for safe houses, which were called "stations" or "depots," and the participating abolitionists, who were called "station masters." In many respects, the underground railroad resembled a real railroad operation in that there were fixed routes, conductors, stations or depots, and a final destination. The underground railroad was the support network for slaves' freedom train.

A group of people who aided slaves on the run by providing shelter and food?

The Underground Railroad setup passage ways so that slaves can escape captivityThat would be the Underground Railroad. Underground not as in subterranean but as in secret or hidden. And railroad not as with trains and tracks, but as in going from place to place via way stations and stopovers.Underground Railroad

How did people identify the Underground Railroads?

The Underground Railroad was not an actual railroad, but a series of "safe houses" that escaped slaves would travel along the way to the North or Canada. Houses that were part of the underground railroad were often marked by a quilt or lanterns, that only railroad guides, or "conductors", would know.

What are station masters of the underground railroad?

The stationmaster provided a shelter for the "passengers" using the railroad. They were called stationmasters because their homes were like Train stations, and obviously, they were the master.

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What were the stations of the Underground Railroad?

The stations on the underground railroad are Pennsylvania, canada, Maryland, new york, and Massachusetts.

One who helped escaping persons move from stations to stations on the underground railroad?


What kind of places were used as stations of the underground railroad?

Here are some places at the underground railroad that the slaves met up at to escape: they came to the North, South and or canada.

What is the symbolic meaning of the underground railroad's name?

The underground railroad was named for the slaves' method of escape to freedom. "Underground" means the movement was secret and intentionally took place below the awareness of public officials and most members of society. The "railroad" designation took its name from the code for safe houses, which were called "stations" or "depots," and the participating abolitionists, who were called "station masters." In many respects, the underground railroad resembled a real railroad operation in that there were fixed routes, conductors, stations or depots, and a final destination. The underground railroad was the support network for slaves' freedom train.

A group of people who aided slaves on the run by providing shelter and food?

The Underground Railroad setup passage ways so that slaves can escape captivityThat would be the Underground Railroad. Underground not as in subterranean but as in secret or hidden. And railroad not as with trains and tracks, but as in going from place to place via way stations and stopovers.Underground Railroad

How did people identify the Underground Railroads?

The Underground Railroad was not an actual railroad, but a series of "safe houses" that escaped slaves would travel along the way to the North or Canada. Houses that were part of the underground railroad were often marked by a quilt or lanterns, that only railroad guides, or "conductors", would know.

What are station masters of the underground railroad?

The stationmaster provided a shelter for the "passengers" using the railroad. They were called stationmasters because their homes were like Train stations, and obviously, they were the master.

In what way did the stations on the underground railroad help to liberate the slaves?

The stations on the Underground Railroad provided hiding places, food, clothing, and supplies for escaping slaves. They also helped to coordinate safe transportation routes and assisted in spreading information to guide slaves to freedom. Without the network of stations and supporters, many slaves would not have been able to successfully escape to freedom.

Was the Underground Railroad underground?

No it is known as the underground railroad as it was hidden from sight

What was the railroad used for?

The Railroad or the underground railroad was a way that slaves could get to the Northern states. The Railroad was a code language for Abolitionists and slaves. they used houses as "Stations", so if the Whites tried to find them they would first start looking for a underground railroad.

Why was the underground railrode named such?

It was called the underground railroad because the places in which the slaves hid during the day were called stations, and the helpers who helped the slaves to escape were called conductors.

What is the name of the railroad that Harriet Tubman worked on?

The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.