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Having a relationship with God is different for many people just as it is with any other relation regarding family, friends, relatives and even enemies. For each individual, their relation with God depends upon their beliefs, weaknesses, desires, values and susceptibility.

Having a relationship with god is therefore ultimately dependent on the specific type of relation an individual desires for example, master-slave, tyrant-subject, lord-minion, parent-child, lover-beloved and so forth.

The type of relationship an individual has with God depend upon his/her desires and the method for achieving that relationship simply requires that he/she follow the established practices that has proven to be successful.

It is a lot like establishing a relationship with someone new in your life but not having the benefit of personal physical interaction to validate your relationship.


Well honestly its as simple as ABC. (A.) Admit you are a sinner, believe it or not you are not perfect and pure and holy, you have fallen and you have sinned and you need God in your life. Ask Him for His forgiveness and repent of your old ways. (B.) Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died for you, me, and all of humanity so that we might have a relationship with Him. (C.) Confess your sins to him and ask that He make you to be more like Him. ask Him to come into your heart. (D.) Dont wait until tomorrow because tomorrow may never come

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Q: How do you have a relationship with God?
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Why the holocaust is a problem for Jews?

it forced them to answer difficult questions about their relationship with God

Leaders of the great awakening encouraged the followers to?

form their own ideas about their relationship with god.

How did reformation endorse a direct relationship with god?

what your asking doesn't make any sense..... but ill try to help. God will reform you God will call upon you when you are ready to accept his word and once you do you will be completely changed, you will have a direct relationship with God, and your life will change completely. the gospel, is God sent his son to die on the cross to take the sins of the world away, so once you get that you will be delivered

What were Martin Luther's beliefs about our relationship with God?

Martin Luther shared with all evangelical Christians the belief that man's relationship with God has been broken by sin. The reality of sin -- the violation of God's commandments, together with an innate proclivity toward rebellion against His will -- means that man is separated from his Maker and that this separation is, from man's perspective, permanent and irreparable. But Luther came to understand that, from God's perspective, salvation from sin and its consequences and penalties, plus the restoration of relationship, is possible. Luther learned that God is all-powerful as well as loving, merciful and kind, so God was both willing and able to bring this salvation and restored relationship. But God is also perfectly holy and just, so the penalty for sin must be paid. The penalty for sin against the eternal God is eternal death, or separation from God and His goodness forever as well as the experience of never-ending turmoil and agony. Luther recognized that here was a dilemma. How does an infinitely holy and perfectly just God properly punish sin and yet show mercy to the sinner through forgiveness? And how can a hopelessly sinful and rebellious man become right with God? The answer is that God came to earth in the form of the man, Jesus, lived a perfect and sinless life and then offered Himself to death as a sacrifice to pay for man's sin. With the death of Jesus as payment for the sins of mankind, and with His resurrection as the promise of eternal life beyond the grave, man could regain his lost relationship with his Creator and, through Christ, now his heavenly Father. Luther learned and then taught that this salvation and restored relationship, together with a new power to resist and overcome sin, could not be gained through any religious efforts on the part of sinful man, but only through faith, trust and confident belief in the love and mercy of God as revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Why did some Jews hate Jesus and want him dead?

Since they do not bielive that he is God's son. They very very dislike that people bielive that people think Jesus is related tog God with a father son relationship.

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The relationship between god and David started when he was a small boy, a shepherd.

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