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Your doctor should know about this. I use to have it and it usually starts out by having panic attacks and you are so fearful of making a fool of yourself in public you prefer to stay indoors. Agoraphobia in Greek means: Fear of the Market Place. YOU HAVE AGORAPHOBIA IF: You are afraid to leave your home. Afraid to go out with friends or even have family members or friends over for a visit. It's a trapped feeling and a fearful one. Terrified of talking on the phone and a deep fear of being made fun of or ridiculed. You can't work or go to school or college. There is help for panic attacks and Agoraphobia (medications to help you get over the hump) and psychiatry to help you cope and believe me, it works! I'm living proof. It's a condition and you are not going crazy or insane. The sooner you get help for this condition the quicker you will get better. The Stats prove that they are extremely high in the U.S., Canada, England and Ireland. Please go to: TYPE IN: What is Agoraphobia This will give you all sorts of information and help. Good luck hon Marcy

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How is agoraphobia diagnosed?

The doctor makes the diagnosis of agoraphobia based primarily on the patient's description of his or her symptoms. The person with agoraphobia experiences anxiety in situations where escape is difficult or help is unavailable.

What is the fear of open places?

Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded public places, also a fear of leaving a safe place.

What is it called when you have an Overwhelming fear of leaving the familiar setting of home?

I believe that's "Agoraphobia". yes, it's agoraphobia

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She had agoraphobia and never wanted to go out of the house.

How can you use the word agoraphobia in a sentence?

She developed agoraphobia after experiencing a panic attack in a crowded shopping mall, making it difficult for her to leave her house.

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Muriel Frampton has written: 'Overcoming agoraphobia' -- subject(s): Agoraphobia

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The cast of Agoraphobia - 2005 includes: Eduardo Souto as Neightbor

What do they call a fear of doorways?

Agoraphobia. *Agoraphobia is the fear of the open doors not the fear of open doors.

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The opposite of agoraphobia is claustrophobia, which is the fear of being in confined or restricted spaces. Agoraphobia involves a fear of open or public spaces, while claustrophobia involves a fear of enclosed spaces.

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Agoraphobia - 2011 II was released on: USA: 17 October 2011 (internet)

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Agoraphobia - 2013 I was released on: USA: 17 October 2013 (A3F Film Festival)