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more surface area. crushing or grinding will help it dissolve as well as heat depending on what you're working on.

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Q: How do you get a solute to dissolve more quickly?
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How does a particular size affect a soluble solid?

The smaller the particles, the more quickly and easily they dissolve. A powdered solute will dissolve faster than a large piece of the same solute.

You can make solute dissolve more quickly in a solvent by?

increasing the temperature of the solvent, agitating the mixture, or increasing the surface area of the solute particles.

Can solubility be increased by stiring the solute?

Yes, stirring the solute can increase solubility by helping to disperse the solute particles more evenly throughout the solvent. This increases the surface area of contact between the solute and solvent, allowing for more solute particles to dissolve.

Do smaller pieces of a solute will not dissolve as quickly as larger pieces?

Smaller pieces of a solute will dissolve more quickly than larger pieces. This is because the surface area of the smaller pieces is greater, allowing for more contact with the solvent and therefore faster dissolution.

When you have so much solute that no more dissolves you have a?

A saturated solution is a solution that no more solute will dissolve. Once the solution is saturated, any more solute that is added will not dissolve.

What is a solution that can dissolve no more than solute?

A saturated solution is one that can dissolve no more of the solute at a given temperature and pressure. This means that the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved in the solvent, and any additional solute will not dissolve and will instead form a precipitate.

How can you dissolve more solute in a saturated solution?

You can dissolve more by heating the solution.

Why do materials dissolve faster in warm water than in cold?

Because the molecules, of the solute and the solvent, have more energy, and therefore move around more quickly. This means the substances can disburse (mix) more quickly.

How can you make a saturated solution dissolve more solute?

You can dissolve more by heating the solution.

When you add so much solute that no more dissolves you have a saturated solution because?

When a solution is saturated, it means that it has reached its maximum capacity to dissolve solute at a given temperature. Any extra solute added will not dissolve and will remain as a solid at the bottom of the container.

How could you dissolve more solid solute in saturated solution in liquid solvent?

Increasing the temperature the solubility increase.

The point at which no more solute will dissolve in a solution?

The point at which no more solute will dissolve in a solution is known as saturation. At saturation, the solution is considered to be in equilibrium, with the rate of dissolution equal to the rate of precipitation of the solute. Additional solute added beyond this point will not dissolve and will instead precipitate out of the solution.