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Q: How do you fix Custer size please format?
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Look for the word "aspect or format" on the remote or if not there try going in to the MENU.

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restart the computer

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You do not indicate what problem you want to fix, so I will not be able to give you a meaningful answer. You can format cells, by clicking on the cells or range you want to format, then select format cells.

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format your server completely.and then try.gggoookkkuuulll

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Format the C: drive

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change it

Your PlayStation 3 80 gig wont read PlayStation 3 games how do you fix it?

Try going to settings, format utility, and go to format hard disk, then go to complete will want to back up your saves before you do this, because it will delete everything on your playstation but should fix the problem.

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By formatting it.

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You need to change the music format to AAC.

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fix your spelling please!?!?!?!

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you really can't fix it.but the only way to fix it is to get a new account.