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This is poetic shorthand for "I am finding what inspires me". In early Greek times a Muse was a goddess of inspiration in poetry, art, drama, prose and other creative activities. So the Muse would work through physical things like people, places or situations.
Say you are a writer and you have lost your Muse (writer's block) you go for a walk and you witness a sunset or a leaf falling or any number of things and all of a sudden the ideas start flowing as if by magic. You found your Muse.

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The video for the song Madness by Muse can be found not only on youtube but also many other online sites. The Madness by Muse site can be found on the video section of Myspace as well.

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To find tickets to the band Muse, one can go to several different online ticket dealers. Some places to try are ticketliquidator, worldticketsource, and vivid seats to look for good seats at good prices.

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Yes, anything can be a Muse.

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A Muse was created in 2012.