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Uncover and knock. Wait till permission to enter is granted.

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Knock and uncover.

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Q: How do you enter the chief's mess?
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Where did the Chief's mess come from?

Too many Chiefs are a mess, yet consider themselves "holier than though."

Do you have to enter a cheat code fast?

no not to fast or u mess up what u have to enter cheat codes normal

What is a chief petty officer mess?

That is a cafeteria onboard ship or on a Navy land base for Chief Petty Officers to eat. Chiefs are very powerful non-commissioned officers, so they rate (ha-ha) the perc of having their own mess. (Cafeteria)

Why is the chiefs mess called the goat locker?

There are a few references to the origin of the term, but the two most likely are: 1. As Chiefs are typically the oldest sailors aboard any afloat or ashore command ("Old Goats" i.e., old timers, older sailors, etc.), the term references that slang term. The Goat Locker therefore is any place that Chiefs (Old Goats) reside, lounge, eat, etc. 2. In the days of sailing vessels, goats were used for milk to supply the crew; to keep the goat safe, they were kept in the Chief's Mess.

What is a sentence for chiefs?

The chiefs of the local tribes gathered for a meeting.I will inform the chiefs.

Did the Cheyenne have chiefs?

yes the cheyenne did have chiefs

Is it chief's or chiefs'?

Chief's I assume. If you are referring to an item of a group of chiefs, you would use chiefs'

How do you get all 3 beginning Pokemon in gold?

you need to have gameshark and enter 0100bad7 but don't get all three it will mess up the game.

What is an example of the word chiefs in a predicate nominative in a sentence?

here is chiefs in a sentance with a predicate nominative:In pursuing the fire bug, the Fire Chiefs from three counties were is chiefs as a predicate nominative:In each tribe the strongest braves became chiefs.

Is Chiefs of the Offices correct?

No, it should be Chiefs of office

Who was their chief?

The plural of "chief" is "chiefs" In the plural: "Who were their chiefs?"

Who is the principal military advisor of the NSC?

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff