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Q: How do you describe what Martin Luther King advocates in his you Have a Dream speech when he said you must forever conduct your struggle on the high plain of dignity and discipline?
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What is the definitions of military courtesy and discipline?

Military Courtesy- it is the expression and manifestation of consideration for others - it is a virtue expected to individuals from all walks of life. Military Discipline- it is the state of order and obedience existing within a command - it is a mental attitude and state of training which renders obedience and proper conduct instinctive under all conditions.

Can a nco disrespect a junior inlisted soldier?

YES, Disrespecting a soldier, or anyone is a violation of the Army Values and a direct violation of AR 600-100 1-5. Army Culture and leadership a. Army culture is a consequence of customs, traditions, ideals, ethos, values, and norms of conduct that have existed for more than 230 years. DA culture promotes certain norms of conduct, and leaders who manage operations affected by the law of land warfare, require the highest level of individual and organizational discipline and moral values. The law of land warfare, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the standards of conduct structure the discipline imperative to which leaders must adhere. The moral and ethical tenets of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Army Values (figure 1-1) characterize the Army's professionalism and culture, and describe the ethical standards expected of all Army leaders.

What is industrial discipline?

Industrial disciplines means following all the instruction and obeying the rules and regulations as detailed in a given industry's code of conduct. It includes wearing protective clothing, returning the tools at the right place and reporting problems that occur.

What is a medieval shame mask?

Iron headgear that people arrested for things like drunkenness, disorderly conduct, lechery, gossiping, bad musical ability, etc were forced to wear while tied to the town discipline post. Essentially a measure of punishment for crimes earning a lesser punishment than death.

When was Good Conduct Medal created?

Good Conduct Medal was created in 1896.

Related questions

Is the sentence we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline a alliteration?

Yes, the sentence "we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline" contains alliteration because of the repetition of the "d" sound in "dignity" and "discipline."

Is the sentence we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline a onomatopoeia?

No, the sentence "we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline" is not an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are words that imitate natural sounds, like "buzz" or "moo." This sentence describes a concept rather than a sound.

What is a liberitarian?

a person who advocates liberty, especially with regard tothought or conduct.

What is meant by disciplin?

Discipline is basically a code of conduct, or how you act. If you say you have been disciplined, it means you have been taught to follow a code of conduct.

What does licentiousness mean?

Lacking moral discipline or legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct

What is the connection between discipline and morality?

discipline plays vital role in body and mind coordination. morality is applicable in behavior and code of conduct morality is the mirror of inner personality

How is discipline an abstract noun?

The noun 'discipline' is an abstract noun because it is a word for a concept. The noun discipline is a word for a field of study (a subject); a system of rules governing conduct; control gained by enforcing obedience or order; the practice of training by use of punishment.

What documents structure for the discipline a soldier must adhere to?

The Standards of Conduct (DoD) and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

What document provides structure for discipline for the soldier to adhere?

The Standards of Conduct (DoD) and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

What documents provides for the discipline a soldier must adhere to?

The Standards of Conduct (DoD) and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

Provides structure for the discipline a soldier must adhere to?

The Standards of Conduct (DoD) and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

What documents provides structure for the discipline a soldiers must adhere to?

The Standards of Conduct (DoD) and the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).