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In antiquity, Greek religion took many forms, beginning with a basic animism (worship or veneration of vague powers everywhere at work in the world around humanity) and then culminating in a modified monotheism, with a supreme divine power ruling the world with assistance from lesser deities. In-between, during the Classical Period, Greeks practiced polytheism, whereby particular gods and goddesses were seen as guardians of particular spheres of human and natural life.

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Q: How do you describe Greek religion?
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. Describe the Greek Religion?

Greek religion was the belief in a multiplicity of anthropomorphic deities under one supreme god

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the different religion is like greek gods and roman gods see they didn't believe in just 1 god they believed in many

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Polytheistic-they believed in many gods. And - I don't know if this would be considered a charecteristic? - they gave burnt offerings to the gods.

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Ancient Greek does not have a word for religion. The Greek based word theology is the study of beliefs about god or religious beliefs.

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The Greek myths were the ancient Greek's religion.

What religion were the ancient Greek people?

Their religion was what we call the Greek myths., Today, it would probably be referred to as "Paganism".